Giveaway Policy


SENSALIA LABS, SL, with address in Mataró, 08304, Ctra. Vallveric 85 and CIF number B-63591630, organizes various raffles on the Instagram account @irohanature (hereinafter, the “raffles”), which will be governed by the following rules legal terms (hereinafter, the “Legal Bases”).

  • Temporal and territorial scope of the Promotion
    The timing and temporal parameters of the draws will be pertinently indicated in the corresponding publication of each draw (hereinafter, the “Valid Period”). The Promotion will take place within the Spanish State (Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands).
  • Requirements to participate
    All people over 18 years of age and residents of Spain (except Ceuta and Melilla) may participate in the Promotion. Employees of SENSALIA LABS, SL, or the companies involved in the draw, nor their direct relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity may not participate in the Promotion. In the event that any of the people excluded from participation are the winners, they will lose their right to obtain the prize, which will be assigned to the next person selected through the procedure provided for in section 6 of these Legal Bases.
  • Free Participation in the Promotion is free.
  • Promotion Mechanics People who wish to participate in the Promotion must enter the Iroha Nature Instagram page @irohanature, and follow the steps indicated in the corresponding publication. Only entries with mentions of other accounts of real people will be accepted, accounts of celebrities or brands will not be valid. If comments with disallowed accounts are detected, they will be discarded. In case of non-compliance with the requirement to follow the @irohanature account, the participation would be invalid. Participation in the Promotion implies express and unreserved acceptance of these Legal Bases, which will be accessible at the time on our website
  • Prize The prize is different in each draw, it will be indicated in the corresponding publication on Instagram. Its value is never less than €120.
  • Winner selection There will be only one winner. The winner will be chosen automatically and randomly from all valid participants in the draw.
  • Communication of the winner On the corresponding day (conveniently indicated in the corresponding publication) Iroha Nature will communicate the name of the winner's account via Instagram Stories and it will be highlighted on the @irohanature profile. In addition, a message will be sent to you via direct chat on the social network. The winner will have a period of FIVE (5) calendar days from said communication to accept the prize, which must be confirmed by responding to said communication. In the event that the winner does not respond within the period indicated to accept the prize, or if the winner does not comply with all or any of these Legal Bases, or rejects the prize, the winner will be discarded and the prize will be assigned to the next person selected through the procedure provided for in section 6 of these Legal Bases. The acceptance of these Legal Bases by the participants in the Promotion entails their express consent for the communication of their name on Instagram to the rest of the participants in the draw. Once this publication has been published, Iroha Nature will contact the winner to inform them about the prize delivery.
  • Intellectual Property and Transfer of Image Rights The acceptance of these Legal Bases by the participants in the draw entails their express consent for the use and dissemination of their Instagram account and the graphic content that they publish in reference to receiving the prize on the networks. social networks of Iroha Nature, to reproduce and use them in any promotional activity related to its products, for ONE (1) year from the start of the Promotion, all in any medium (including, but not limited to, exploitation through internet, mobile telephony and social networks) without said use conferring the right to remuneration or any benefit, with the exception of the prize won in accordance with these Legal Bases.

  • Tax issues The prize of this Promotion constitutes a capital gain subject to the applicable regulations of Personal Income Tax, Income of non-residents and other legal texts on tax matters at the time of obtaining the prize. The prize winner will be subject to compliance with all tax obligations established by current applicable legislation, where applicable, and will be solely responsible for paying them.

  • Reservations and limitations SENSALIA LABS is exonerated from all responsibility in the event of malfunction of the electronic communication networks that prevent the normal development of the Promotion for reasons beyond the control of the Company and, especially, due to external acts of bad faith. Any abusive or fraudulent use of the entry(s) by a participant will result in his/her disqualification from the draw. SENSALIA LABS is not responsible for possible losses, deterioration, delays or any other circumstance attributable to third parties that could affect participation in the Promotion. SENSALIA LABS reserves the right to change the elements of the Promotion prize for others of equal value, when there is just cause.
  • Applicable law and jurisdiction These Legal Bases are governed by Spanish legislation. To resolve any dispute, discrepancy, issue or claim resulting from the execution or interpretation of these Legal Bases, the Parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Reus, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them.

Annex valid for raffles with forms on Instagram and Facebook Ads

  • Data protection The personal data required from participants in the participation form and, where applicable, from the winners, are necessary to manage their participation in the Promotion and, if applicable, for the delivery of the prize. The personal data of the participants will be incorporated into a file owned by SENSALIA LABS, SL, for the sole purpose of managing the Promotion. Once the Promotion has ended, SENSALIA LABS, SL will only keep the data of those participants who, at the time of filling out the participation form, have given their express consent, checking a box enabled for this purpose, so that Sensalia Labs, SL can incorporate your data into a file in order to send you newsletters and communications with commercial information, featured content, relevant advice on the operation of the system and promotions. Participants who have consented to the sending of said bulletins and communications will have the possibility of requesting the cessation of said sendings in the terms provided for in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services, and to revoke your consent unilaterally, also at any time, by sending an email to the following address: or by unsubscribing directly at the bottom of the newsletters sent. The processing of participants' personal data will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data), and in the Privacy Policy of SENSALIA LABS. Participants in the Promotion may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, forgetting, portability, opposition and/or non-systematic processing to obtain profiles, by sending an email to the following address: